Robert Smit – Publications
- Everyday Adornment ISBN 90-71584-06-2
- ROBERT SMIT, Sieraden van eigentijdse kunstenaars 3, AURUM
- ISDN 3-9520360-0-5
- Leeres Haus, Arnoldsche Verlag Stuttgart Dld ISDN 3-925369-92-9
- Kortsluiting, Stripboekje naar aanleiding van expositie ‘Lili’, Uitgave Robert Smit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- ROBERT SMIT, Empty house, Arnoldsche Verlag, Tekstbijdrage: Graziella Folchini Grassetto, Gert Staal, Helen Drutt
- Calendar Stories of Gold, door Giac Casale, met Giampaolo Babetto en Erico Nagai, Miland, I
- Meester/Leerling, Chris Reinewald
- The new jewelry ‘Trends + Traditions’, Revised Edition, Peter Dormer + Ralph Turner
- Nice – Amsterdam, Goose Press ISBN 90 7157068 1
- Beyond Reach , Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft, The Netherlands
- The best in contemporary Jewellery, David Watkins, United Kingdom
- GIOIELLI LEGATURE, L’Orafo Italiano, Artisti del XX Secolo; Editore Miland, Italy
- Tragezeichen, tekst katalogus: Christoph Blase, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkussen, Germany
- Bello in Padova, 2003, Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Collect, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom
- Collect/GLS, Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Bulletin 2004 Stedelijk Museum, SMCS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Ornament as Art, Museum of Fine Art Houston, USA
- Italian Ways in Contemporary Craft, Italian Pavillion of the Cheongju International Biennale 2007, South Korea
- Madonna delle Dolomiti, Galerie Louise Smit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Gioielleria Contemporanea Maestri Olandesi, Studio GR20, Graziella Folchini Grassetto, Padova, Italy
- Robert Smit, The ban of Gold, documentary, made in response to the exhibition
- Yellow Metalic in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2004, The Netherlands
- Studio GR20, Material and Colour, Graziella Folchini Grassetto, Padova, Italy
- Rijksmuseum Bulletin 2010, Col. Marjan & Gerard Unger, pag. 269/270/271
- Studio GR20, Omaggio a Guariento, L’oro contemporaneo, 2011, Graziella Folchini Grassetto, Padova, Italy
- On Jewellery, Author Liesbeth den Besten. Publisher Arnoldsche (2011)
- UNEXPECTED PLEASURES, The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery. Curated by Dr. Susan Cohn (2012)
- ‘glAmour’, Exhibition in Haut de Cagnes, by Olga Zobel